Three Ponds Valley FCI

ALL MY WORLD Three Ponds Valley


Data urodzenia: 2013-07-02
O: Linmoor Zimply Zalient
M: Rowntree Sweet Harmony


Pies w±trobiano - biały, podpalany
Oczy: badanie genetyczne DNA - PRA cord 1 - normal
Oczy: badanie kliniczne -
Fucosidosis: czysty

Linmoor Zimply Zalient Linmoor Wave For Success Fairsky Arc De Triomphe
Nobhill Modern Talkin
Linmoor Valuable Crystal Fairsky Whisborne Clansman
Mycock's Quartz Crystal
Rowntree Sweet Harmony Barecho Almost Perfect Mompesson Prince Charming
Barecho Kisses Of Fire
Rowntree Romantic Review Barecho Fun For The Future
Tailwind's Esmeralda